D and I have been going to the pool since he was less than a month old and he's taken to the water just beautifully. Up till now I've put him underwater just a little bit and even though he likes the water he would come up looking a bit scared so I didn't do it too much. Yesterday though he really got it. Jeff, Christine's uncle took us to a warm water grotto that was like a bath and was very small, probably room for only 10-15 people. We put the D in the water and I decided to give the submersion a try again after we'd been in the water for a few minutes. This time Dante absolutely loved it! We were passing him back and forth between the three of us and Dante impressed everybody there with his skills. He would put his head in the water or launch himself at someone and FULLY submerge before we brought him up. He came up smiling from ear to ear, clapping and laughing and squirming for more. We played with him like this for about half and hour and he couldn't get enough. December 30th - Dante's official first time holding his breath under water.