More or less in chronological order since Monday.
- D signed 'food' to me twice while I was getting a bottle ready. He distinctly put his hand up to his mouth and moved them in an eating motion. When I said do you want to eat to him in Hebrew he smiled and signed food again.
- He's understood how to open a door if its not latched when he's on the wrong side of it. He knows to pull towards him if needed rather than just trying to push it.
- I brought a Jack in the box that he hadn't seen for a few weeks over to the chelsea apartment. He used the button on it immediately and also made the connection between pushing Jack down and being able to launch him with the button again. A couple of months ago he had never done this.
-He's been openning drawers for a while and tonite opened a very big one that he'd never managed before.
-He wanted to get out of the bathroom after his bath tonite and I shut the door so I could finish drying him. Instead of trying to pry it open he immediately reached for the handle once the door was shut.
-His vocalising has been amazing all week and today in particular, lots of almost words and repetitions of phrases and word sounds being repeated to himself and back to others, including tonation and emphasis.
- This one made Christine cry. When he got out of the bath he went over to his door toy and proceeded to place every single plastic peg from the toy into it's correspondingly shaped hole.