The sun was out and it was warm for a brief moment in NYC. We rushed out to enjoy the day with a stroll in Chinatown to celebrate the Chinese New Year - Year of the Tiger. We ate dim sum, watched dragon puppets parade up and down Mott Street. We arrived at the house happy and exhausted.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Rare Sunny Day in February
The sun was out and it was warm for a brief moment in NYC. We rushed out to enjoy the day with a stroll in Chinatown to celebrate the Chinese New Year - Year of the Tiger. We ate dim sum, watched dragon puppets parade up and down Mott Street. We arrived at the house happy and exhausted.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
New word roundup June '09- Feb 2010
Ah the new words roundup, I've been remiss, but I've actually been
keeping it since the last one. The list is evolving into the new
abilities list and soon there will be one for little Augustus.
"Oh wow cool!" upon seeing the return of his push bike. Also Bicycle upside down.Fri 6/5/09 8:58pm
Airplane(going to) airport. Raining again. 'I did it!' (unwrapping a cough drop
by himself). Crooked. "whats the matter?” Mon 6/ 8/09 8:47am
Seagull 12:43pm
squeeze it. Flashing lights Sat 6/ 13/09 10:09pm
Ah the big one arrives. Just this afternoon we were talking about how
the why word was just around the corner. Sure enough…. Mon 6/ 15/09 9am
One more time. Two more minutes.
It’s funny writing this now in Feb. of 2010 this seems so routine
because we hear it so much, but back then it was so new.
‘Then Buy Gum’ when I told him I didn't have any. Wed 6/ 24/09 10:30am
Dante and I were having breakfast and I gave him Fruit salad. I asked for some and he said, "no! mine!" I said no - we share, and he looked at me and said "get your own!" Thu 6/ 25/09
Left and right . Lick my toes lick my butt? Mon 7/ 6/09 8:17am
Thank you for sharing your garbage truck 12:52pm same day
"We are late!" Thu 9/ 3/09 6:53pm
Too bad! Pterodactyl. Mon 9/ 7/09 9:34pm
No way! When talking to grandma. 'I told you!' when showing me that
Thomas’s water tower was in fact at my house and not mommies. Fri 9/11/09 9:29am
‘Remember when Dante was crying?' when? 'yesterday' Thu 9/ 17/09 4:06pm
We are at the antiques flea market. Dante suddenly notices something 30 feet away & starts walking towards it. I have no idea what he sees but I follow him to… old fire truck! So I say, do u want the fire truck? (its 75 bucks) and he says 'I'm just looking'
Is that a grumpy 'doggie' ? about a grumpy looking bulldog Sun 9/ 20/09
'Dante likes milk!' (nothing new) then he says....'what do you like ?' Thu 9/ 24/09 10:35am
caca teeth 1:49pm – 2:49pm
'Abba you go and I'll clean the house. Is that a deal:?' 'we both have big noses and baby augie has a little nose baby augie will grow up and have and have a big nose too'. Sat 10/ 3/09 6:08pm – 7:08pm
Be patient! Sun 12/ 20/09
Damnit! Mon 12/ 28/09
What's up with that ? Wed Jan 6/10 12:01am
Let's stay here.
I'll call you back later - while talking on my phone Mon Feb 1/10Today Dante caught a large ball for the first time today. This while he was
bouncing on a trampoline no less. Then I tried throwing him a smaller
ball and he had one in his hand already. I told him to put it down so
both hands would be free. He wouldn't and I thought well lets see what
happens. I threw him the small ball and he caught it with one hand! 2/25/10