Friday, November 2, 2012

Augustus is potty trained!

Despite the evacuations of Sandy I have a new type of evacuation to tell everyone about.
After many false starts and failed attempts. Our little boy has entered a new phase of his life. I can only speak for myself, as one of the proud parents. Way to go!! (I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself).  I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible. I know you all must be pooped. We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks Grandma's, thanks Grandpa's. A big thank you to all the nieces and nephews who showed the way and led by example. Thank you's also go out to Huggies. We really would have had a much messier time without you. Thanks also to all the aunt's and uncles, your relative un-involvement made almost no difference but it was appreciated nonetheless. Thank you to the changing table for giving me a unique perspective on things for the last three years that is now all butt over. I for one look forward to wiping butt for the next few years from the bent over position rather than the reclining one. But I digress.
The biggest congratulations of all is due to our little soldier. Our  sweet, funny, charming, smart, friendly, adorable little boy, Augustus who has graduated to a new and exciting level of self awareness and independence that comes with being free of the diaper.  I am so proud of you for taking this step and for 'doing' it when you were ready and not before. Your mother and I whole heartedly congratulate you!! We love you with all our hearts!

Coney Island October 2012
On the Fire Island Ferry August
My house in June
April  2012 at Queens Farm
April 2012 at Children's Museum of Art
June 2012

June 2012 at Figment

June 2012

May 2012 at my house

May 2012 at Penn South
Much love.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dante turns 6!

Wow, our boy celebrated his sixth birthday yesterday with friends from school and family at LES Dance Academy.

All the pix are here on Google + and Picasa

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Augustus and Dante get famous! Photographed at American Museum of Natural History

I took the lads to a press day for the American Museum of Natural History's new exhibit called Spider's Alive and they were photographed climbing on a huge spider model by me for The New York Post. They also got their pictures taken by photographers from The Wall Street Journal,
The Star Ledger (article link here)  shot below is in the Ledger.

and another site called DNAinfo (link to article here) Where Dante was quoted ; Dante Allen-Segev, 6, who climbed onto the huge spider model at the exhibit, said his favorite spider was the notorious Black Widow, with a red spot on its stomach.
"I like them because they're cool," he exclaimed.

What da?

Augustus loves this phrase lately and he's gotten me saying it all the time. What da? What da? What da?
Yes, and SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! too.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dante's first tooth falls out!

Another milestone reached yesterday as Dante's first tooth came out on it's own. It has been hanging in this mouth by a thread for the last week and every time I looked at it I wanted to yank that puppy but yesterday morning when we woke up Dante handed me that sucker and let me know the tooth fairy needed to be called. If you look closely you can see the little hanging tooth in Dante's mouth here.
Over the weekend the boys got a visit from Shalev and his brother Noam at the house in Fire Island.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Toddler Augustus stringing thoughts and ideas together

Augustus put together the most amazing sentence today. We were sitting on the couch and he said " I want you to get me a new Elmo bottle. I want to stay with Amanda while you go to the store and I’ll wait for you to come back".
This just completely floors me. He said this all in one thought. The concepts that he is showing an understanding of are not what you would expect from a 2. 5 year old. This shot is from our trip on the Roosevelt Tram back in March

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Augustus singing ABC on Tape - LMFAO and Seal cruise this weekend.

This cracks me up, of course I 'may' be completely biased but I get such a kick listening to this.
Amazes me that the little man can do this.  This was taped back in October 2011 so he was just 2 years two months here.

Pix below are from a Seal and bird watching cruise we went on over the weekend. We actually saw seals in the water right off the Verazanno Narrows Bridge. Turns out they spend the summer in the harbor here on a bunch of little islands in the bay.