Thursday, September 13, 2012

Augustus and Dante get famous! Photographed at American Museum of Natural History

I took the lads to a press day for the American Museum of Natural History's new exhibit called Spider's Alive and they were photographed climbing on a huge spider model by me for The New York Post. They also got their pictures taken by photographers from The Wall Street Journal,
The Star Ledger (article link here)  shot below is in the Ledger.

and another site called DNAinfo (link to article here) Where Dante was quoted ; Dante Allen-Segev, 6, who climbed onto the huge spider model at the exhibit, said his favorite spider was the notorious Black Widow, with a red spot on its stomach.
"I like them because they're cool," he exclaimed.

What da?

Augustus loves this phrase lately and he's gotten me saying it all the time. What da? What da? What da?
Yes, and SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! too.