Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day in Fire Island

Summer has begun and as usual, we flee to the beach, Fire Island, in particular to enjoy the waves and warm weather. We opted to try a new part of the island, Fair Harbor, a more quiet and family friendly town. CLICK HERE for additional pix from the weekend. But as you can see, Dante delighted in running on the sand and exploring the red wagon our housemate Mitch brought out. We're in a house called KidsRUs that fits the name, toys, games and puzzles and young ones everywhere. It's going to be a lovely Summer!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day in Texas

Dante and I spent Mother's Day weekend visiting family in Texas. Dante always gets a day full of animals there from helping out at the barn with all aunt Jocelyn's farm creatures. This time round there were tempting hay barrels that need to be climbed on and meandered through as well as the usual horse riding and egg gathering.
We also made the journey to Fossil Rim and safaried with zebra, giraffe, cheetah, ostrich, bison and a variety of deer. CLICK HERE for PIX

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Guatemala Vacation

We spent my birthday week in Guatemala visiting friends, who escaped the NY winter and found paradise in a lakeside village on Lake Atitlan. The first few days we spent in Antigua at this gem of a hotel we found on-line, Quinta de las Flores, and explored the cobblestone streets, visited the white walled churches and feasted on the most delicious papaya and mango known to man. The rest of the trip was spent at Lake Atitlan, visiting the local towns by boat, hiking, cooking and catching up with our dear friends, Debra, Jon and Newton. Click here for the online photo album