By 2:00am I was hooked up to every IV and monitor under the sun - standard when you get an epidural. The waiting game was on. My friends had gone home and Rahav and his mom relaxed in chairs. I tried to stay calm amid the beeping monitors keeping track of the baby's heart rate and contractions wondering when the baby and I would be on "the other side".
The quiet was surreal. There had been so much buzz and activity for the last few hours, it was hard to grasp this "calm before the storm" as time ticked on in this waiting zone. Tick.. Tock.. new faces came into my room as the sun lit up a new day. The hospital staff on the night shift had gone home.
Around 6:00am a nurse said "you'll be ready to have this baby in forty-five minutes". We had about ten minutes to digest that sentence before the buzz kicked in and a plethora of suited up nurses and doctors swarmed into the room like hungry bees. I blocked out the intense pain and let my mind clear to focus on breathing and pushing. Soon after voices gasped. I knew Dante had been born when the shutter clicked. He was pinkish and beautiful. It was 7:15am. He came three days early. That night would be a full moon.
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