Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Now that Spring is *finally* here, Layla has been taking Dante to the local park every day. He loves the swing because his legs dangle in the air without touching anything. He doesn't like his legs covered or inhibited in any way.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dante sits up for the first time.

After many attempts it happened today and the little man had complete command of the situation. A report from the proud pappa from the front.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Last Sunday, Dante had his first meal in his highchair with the grown ups (See video section). Of course, the food is nothing tasty, rice cereal mixed with formula. But we fed him with a spoon for the first time. He still can't swallow so I'm not sure how much of it got down. He'll get it. But he was excited to be at the table eating with grown ups.

Our Little Baby Fish

Now that he can grab toys and will his hands to splash, Dante loves bath time. He especially likes his blue and yellow turtle which he hold in his mouth for several minutes. He enjoys the freedom of kicking his legs and pushing himself in the bathtub like a water missile.

Dante's been a regular at the YMCA pool for daddy and son swim time. He's the youngest kid at the pool and will be swimming before he can walk.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Dante plays Peek-a-boo and waves for the first time this week.

Well it's been a busy week in the life of the D. On Monday night at Christine's he started to consistently wave at me when I waved at him and also seemed to realize how pleased Christine and I were with his prowess. No doubt this had something to do with the squeals of glee coming from both of us each time he raised his hand and waved it around in response to my doing so. Needless to say he seemed very pleased himself, smiling and slamming his fist stuffed mouth and whole face into Christine's bosom each time we acknowledged his skills with a huge grin and an irrisistable expression on his face.
The next day in the studio while he was in his walker he got a real kick out of playing Peek-a-boo with me. I'd hide behind one of the stuffed toys ringing the walker and pop out from behind it saying Peek-A-Boo!! Here I am and he smiled and laughed quite alot. There's a clip of that in the video section.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Tasting his first pickle

Last Sunday, we took Dante to brunch. He's fascinated with objects now. This is new as thus far it's only been faces he's enjoyed. He was eying a pickle on my plate. I let his have it and in his mouth. We enjoyed watching his facial expression to this foreign object he kept putting in and pulling out of this mouth.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Five Months Old: March 06th

I've been keeping a weekly written journal of Dante's adorable life thus far. But since I work at Google, I really should wake up to the trends of the 21st century and start keeping a blog. It would be too daunting to try and retrace in words Dante's life to date.

But I'll quickly re-cap the highlights in his short but active five months on earth and all the countries he's already seen. From now on I'll (try and) update the blog on a weekly basis.

Daddy had a photo shoot of Dante draped in a boa. (Click here for more photos). Now that he's with Dante most of the day, Rahav has taken over the daily photo duties that I enjoyed for his first four months.

Four Months Old: February 06th

Last month Dante got cute. This month he's starting to act like a little boy and develop a personality. He smiles, laughs, splashes in his bath (which he loves), mimics our voices and enjoys talking to himself. He loves to roll over, kick everything with his legs and play in his bouncy seat.

I returned to work this month and handed daily d rearing over to Rahav and Layla. Rahav babied up his studio with kid friendly furniture and toys. It looks more like a daycare now than a photo studio :-) He and Layla split up Dante duty and I get a few precious hours in the morning and at night. My highlight of the day is giving d his bath.

At his four month check up, Dante weighed almost 16 lbs and was 26" long. He's in the 75% of babies his age. We're excited to start him on solids soon.

New Years 2007 in Israel and Jordan

Dante and I were in NY for less than 24 hours before hopping on yet another plane to Israel for the New Year. I'm thoroughly enjoying maternity leave and can get used to non-stop traveling.

Rahav is from Israel and his father's side of the family still lives there. Rahav hasn't visited in four years and wanted to see his family and introduce Dante to his rich culture which will certainly be a part of Dante's future.

We rented a flat in the Neve Zedek district of Tel Aviv and used that as our home base to explore Israel. We never fully acclamated to the time change and began most of our day trips at 3-4:00 in the morning. It was breathtaking to reach Masada as the sun rose over the dead sea.

Highlights were snorkeling in the Red Sea at Eilat, climbing the snake trail at Masada, walking the salt flats on the Dead Sea, driving through the dramatic landscape of Mitzpeh Ramon in the Negev Desert (and feeding Ibex) and the Siq at Petra.. too breathtaking for words to describe.

Petra, Jordan was our favorite site of the trip. After crossing the border on foot we hired a taxi to take us to Petra and checked into the Movenpick hotel at the foot of the entrance. With Dante strapped in the bjorn we rode every form of desert animal from horses, to donkeys to camels. We met, lunched and haggled with local bedoins and exlored every nook and cranny of the spectacular city built into the vibrant red sandstone. It was emotional to leave Petra. We both sensed what a special place it is and would've liked to stay a few more days.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Christmas in Texas 2006

Dante and I went south for the winter and spent time with my folks in Texas for three whole weeks. Of course, my family adored him and my nieces enjoyed holding, rocking and playing with him. Dante became so aware of the world in the time we were in Texas and I'm happy my family got to enjoy it with me.

In Mormon tradition, babies are given an inspirational family blessing at church when they are born. My 89 year old grandfather flew in from Utah to give Dante this special blessing along with other chosen members of the congregation. Rahav flew in for the weekend and was able to attend church with us.

I always look forward to Christmas time with my family. My folks go all out with tree decorations, yummy food and games every night. On Christmas Eve all the little kids act out the Christmas Story and Dante played Jesus.

That night a dinner he discovered that his arms and legs can move objects. I took a video clip of the moment when the light clicked on in Dante's head and he kicked his toys with fury! (Click Here)

Dante also discovered himself in the mirror one night (Watch This)

This Christmas year was the most memorable on record. I got to spend quality time with my parents and introduce Dante to more people who love him dearly.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Month Three: December 06 - January 07

This is the month Dante got really cute and lively. He started rolling over both back to front and front to bath, smiling, laughing, cooing and becoming aware that he's a person. Every day he's getting it more and more and becoming a little boy and no longer this blank slate that sleeps and eats 24/7. He loves to stare at himself in the mirror and is starting to notice objects, not just faces. He's beginning to learn that his hands and feet make things move, although he can't yet control what they do. But wow... one day you wake up and you realize that your little newborn is discovering the world. its fascinating.

I left for Texas immediately after returning from Paris. We did squeeze in one holiday party at Allegra's house (Pix Here) where I got to see all the girls and wish everyone happy holidays before d and I took off for the rest of 2006.

d and I spent Christmas in Texas with my folk and then met up with Rahav in New York for less than 24 hours before jetting off to Israel to meet Rahav's side of the family.

Paris: November 2006

Rahav and I both agree that Paris is the greatest place on earth. Everything about Paris is heaven: The food, culture, art, architecture, quality of life and picturesque streets. If you ask me where I feel most at home, it's Paris. I lived there for four years, got my degree at the American University of Paris and learned about who I am from living there. It was the first place I lived on my own, by choice. Although I left Paris in 1998, I've made it a priority to visit every Thanksgiving. This year was special because I got to share it with Rahav and Dante.

Dante was a gem on the flight over and slept most of the way attached to one of us in the bjorn. The day before we left, Dante smiled on his own for the first time - major milestone! Unlike America, Europe highly regards children and waiting in any form of queue is unacceptable. From customs to museum lines we were always welcome to cut the line. We used the baby card to our full advantage!

We rented a charming studio over-looking the Pantheon for the first few days and then moved to the Place du Tertre and stayed with my friend Stephen who I went to college with. With no fixed agenda we lounged around most of the days, attended to lil' d, drank cheap red wine, ate delicious fois gras, cheese, saucisson and other mouth watering food only France offers and played scrabble.

Both Rahav and I have friends that live in Paris and were anxious to meet our little angel. We had no problem taking him to restaurants, even posh ones like Livingston. Again, we were blessed with ideal weather. It was unseasonably warm (not too sunny though) and we were able to spend our days strolling through le Marais, the Quai and my favorite place of all Le Pont Des Arts.

We were so sad to leave Paris, we even extended our trip three days. Ah.. for now, we can re-live Paris through our online photo album

Month Two: November 06th - December 06th

Month two of Dante's life was similar to month one development wise. Day by day we'd see subtle signs of a budding personality that only doting parents would see. Mostly he was a soft, cuddly sleeping baby we enjoyed holding. I don't think Dante liked being awake much the first few months. He'd open his eyes, look around, whimper, fuss, nurse, fuss and fall back to sleep. He had no interest in all the toys and mobiles we got him. I figure he preferred to dream about being back in the womb hoping that this new and stimulated wake environment would disappear. I wonder if babies know the difference between awake and sleep or have them reversed because the sleep stage is what they are more familiar with and spend most of their early life in. Looking at Dante try to sleep away the world, I kept thinking of what Edgar Allan Poe wrote: "All that we see and seem is but a dream within a dream"

By month two we got the hang of baby handling, found a balance and resumed an active but responsible life. Dante was welcomed as the beau of the ball wherever we went. With unseasonal warm weather and endless sunny days, Dante lived in the bjorn, stroller or sling and went everywhere with us: museums, parties, lunch, grocery shopping Naomi's birthday party (Click here for photos), you name it. D went with us.

The highlight of November was our trip to Paris..


At four weeks old, we decided to take Dante to his first of many parties, thanks to the magic sling.
I recommend it to any new parent who likes to go out and isn't afraid to take their baby along. It calmed and soothed Dante instantly day and night. People rarely knew we had a baby in tow. He fit in it so snugly and warm and would sleep for hours without waking - not even to nurse.

On Halloween, my friends Johnny and Shawn, an amazingly hip married couple, hosted their annual costume party at their posh West Village duplex. Rahav and I were both itching to be around adults, dress up and have some fun. I showed of my buxom bosom and voluptuous figure in a belly dancing outfit I bought in Turkey. Rahav dressed up as an Umpa Lumpa. We put Dante in a cute furry bear outfit and painted his nose orange.

The costumes were amazing and Dante snoozed the whole night without a peep. Thanks to our active and music filled life-styles and the constant city sounds, Dante preferred to sleep around noise. A few people at the party refused to believe that Dante was a real baby because he was so blissfully quiet and motionless. "That is not a real baby in that bag" was a frequent topic of conversation. Even when we pulled him out of the sling to show him off there was still doubt that he wasn't a doll or a robot.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Month One: October 6th - November 6th 2006

Once my mother had left and it was only Rahav, Dante and I the profound understanding of what being a parent means set in. You really do have to figure it out day by day by trial and error. In the beginning Dante slept, nursed and hung out with us like a cute couch ornament. Every day was exactly the same yet I felt so alive. The days would come and go with nothing major to report, a loud burp here and a gigantic poop there. Rahav and I kept mostly to ourselves; only we could rejoice in the little daily surprises. The outside world could melt away for all I cared. The best way to describe my mental state that first month was living in a bubble. I couldn't think or dream of doing or being anywhere else.

Before I had Dante I thought babies slept all day. True and not true. Ours would only sleep in thirty minute intervals and then be up and down like a light switch. So much for the projects I had in mind to work on during my four month maternity leave. I was lucky if I got a shower and left the house. I started to really enjoy Dante once I resigned myself to being a mother full time. Nothing else mattered and he was my job. It took some getting used to since I'm the independent type that likes to do things on my time; be social when I want and retreat when I want too. Not anymore and the sooner I understood that the better for everyone.

For the first month not much happened. Luckily, the weather was amazingly beautiful and we were fortunate to have spring like weather and sunshine almost every day. After two weeks or so, Rahav returned to work, physically, at least. Dante and I spent our days strolling around the East Village and having lunch with daddy or friends. And that's pretty much it. I loved the idea of not having to be anywhere or do anything except care for my baby son. He was my whole world. It Rocked!

The Bris: October 15th 2006

My friend Naomi (Jewish of course) said it was the best bris she had ever attended. Normally women and men are separated from at the event and everything is read in Hebrew and there's minimal participation. Ours was totally different. Not surprising since we're a non-traditional family to begin with.

Even though I'm not Jewish and therefore Dante isn't either, we opted to have a Bris. It also happened to fall on the Simchat Torah or "rejoicing of the Torah", a very happy day for the Jewish people, so I learned. Dante wasn't thrilled. Rahav found a reformed mohel to perform the ceremony. We invited about twenty friends (Jewish and not) and made it a meet baby Dante celebration, oh and watch him get cut. We provided bagels, lox, coffee, wine and entertainment for everyone..

It was a wonderful ceremony full of beautifully crafted text and inspirational messages focusing on family and faith. . The Mohel (need to find his name and link to his web page) created a personalized program and selected key thoughts and versus from the torah which were so reverant and emotional. My heart melted and I teared up a few times. Rahav and I took turns reciting versus, me in English and he in Hebrew. Everyone joined in for several versus too. Both of our mothers were present and were given the honor of lighting the candles (albeit scented votive ones) to bless those close to us who have since passed on.

The snipping ceremony was difficult for me to watch. Rahav got to do the actual slicing. These are modern times after all. First the umbilical cord and now the foreskin.. What's next. His first tattoo? Dante fared well through the process with some initial wailing and then dozed off for the rest of the day.

Oh. My sister Lori gave birth to baby Jared, her third, on this special day too.