Dante and I went south for the winter and spent time with my folks in Texas for three whole weeks. Of course, my family adored him and my nieces enjoyed holding, rocking and playing with him. Dante became so aware of the world in the time we were in Texas and I'm happy my family got to enjoy it with me.
In Mormon tradition, babies are given an inspirational family blessing at church when they are born. My 89 year old grandfather flew in from Utah to give Dante this special blessing along with other chosen members of the congregation. Rahav flew in for the weekend and was able to attend church with us.
I always look forward to Christmas time with my family. My folks go all out with tree decorations, yummy food and games every night. On Christmas Eve all the little kids act out the Christmas Story and Dante played Jesus.
That night a dinner he discovered that his arms and legs can move objects. I took a video clip of the moment when the light clicked on in Dante's head and he kicked his toys with fury! (Click Here)
Dante also discovered himself in the mirror one night (Watch This)
This Christmas year was the most memorable on record. I got to spend quality time with my parents and introduce Dante to more people who love him dearly.
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