What I wanted to write down were the new things he's put together just in the last week. We were taking a bath and he has figured out how to pour water on my head and direct the container towards me instead of just spilling it on himself. Last week he would try and pour it on me but up end it in his direction every time. Tonite he knew how to pour in the direction he wanted it to go in. He had an apple in the bath with him and there were bubbles. He tried taking a bite and didn't like it and then I noticed that he was rinsing the apple off and getting the soap bubbles off it and then taking a bite.
He blew his first kiss at Teresa this last week, I think it was on Wednesday. She was leaving and we went to the door together and I was saying Bye Bye and waving and Teresa looked back at us at the elevator and blew him a kiss. He made a puckering, smacking sound back at her. Then yesterday in Vegas Christine was at her desk and blew a kiss at him and he blew one right back hand sweep and all.
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