Sunday, February 8, 2009

New word round-up for January

Dante with Cheetah our Hamster
As I write this at the beginning of February it's getting to the point it's quite difficult to keep track of the words that Dante has in his vocabulary. I guess for me this exercise was about my mom telling me she did the same thing when I was a baby and kept a list of all my new words until it got to a point where it just wasn't feasible to update her list anymore. For me that may have happened this last Saturday Feb. 7th when Dante repeated the names of over 10 dogs pictured on his place mat. He can repeat back just about anything now so it's hard really differentiate between the words he actually knows and can say on his own to identify things and the words that he can repeat without necessarily knowing what they mean. Either way it's been deeply satisfying to me to keep this list and maybe one day he'll enjoy knowing exactly what day it was that he first said Cheerios or Apple or Abba. To me it will always be enjoyable.

Tue Jan 6 9:25am Walk. Eat. Kaylen .mary. Kika (kitty kat) .ride , Two big airplanes eat cheerios eat chicken eggs yellow bus two fire cars names of Christine's cousins: Mary, Kaelyn, Jos broken door missing wheel
Wed Jan 7 1:51pm Pickle
2:06pm Rain ,bear in his crib
6:21pm Hummer
Sat Jan 10 nine , five, six counting blocks
Mon Jan 19
not a word necessarily but he's figured out how to turn his cars on and off using the switches
Sat Jan 24 11:44 pineapple (very clear) tickle. Stop
Sun Jan 25 11pm tzahov (yellow in hebrew)
Wed Jan 28 6:18pm tunnel in the toddler room. He put a train under an arch and said tunnel
Thu Jan 8
Hungry with Ashley and Gray
Tue Jan 13 gray and light brown, sticker, light gray, dark brown.
5pm - Google

Fri Jan 23 4pm heli copter (garbled but he's saying it) Tug boat. Please
Thu Jan 29 thank you, stroller / thank you beabea
Fri Jan 30 Juliane
Wed Feb 4
honey and Dvash (honey in hebrew)
Sat. Feb 7 Bagel, Jelly. Chihuahua, Beagle, Bull dog, Boxer, Sheppard, Grt Dane, Collie, Labrador, Pekingese, Pug, Poodle, Yorky, Weimerana (!!),

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