Monday, August 13, 2007

Fire Island: August 4th & 5th: Ten Months Old

There were a lot of firsts for Dante on Fire Island this weekend. He'll be ten months old on Monday and every day he blossoms and becomes a bit more aware of the world each day.

- First time he picked blueberries. They line the Ocean Beach pathways and D figured out how to pick them instantly and gobble them up in his mouth. Once that light went off, he wouldn't take them from our hand anymore and insisted on picking them himself.

- First time he pet a deer. A mother and baby fawn spied us picking blueberries and came over to partake in the feast. Dante giggled and laughed when they approached and stretched out his hand to pat momma deer on the head.

- First time he went into the ocean without protesting. Little by little I'd put his feet in the sand when the tide approached and eventually splashed in the water and got excited when the tide rushed in and out of his ankles. He wasn't sure if it was him or the water moving to and fro.

- First time he felt roses.

- First time he played in a hammock

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