Friday, September 21, 2007

Dante's first words,Singing, Lulu and standing up

So this week Dante has definitely started saying Mama alot. My word count so far is ; Abba (daddy in Hebrew) which started about a month ago. Lulu, Wawa and Mama. He's started to imitate sounds alot and when we took him to his first music class he definitely imitated the sound that a bird he was being shown makes. This morning on the way to the office we were talking with another mom and D stood up all by himself for a while, the other baby was already walking a bit and it was like D decided to do the same.
The coolest was on the 17th . D was walking around the studio holding onto the coach saying WaWaWaWa over and over and suddenly he was carrying a melody. He was definitely singing. I shot this right after. Not sure you really hear a tune in this video but right beforehand there was no doubt it was a song. He was definitely doing call a response in this part.Today in music class there were lots more babies and he had a great time. He loves those shaker eggs!

Another big change has been that in the last week or so he's really interested in Lulu. He crawls around after her and she cracks him up. It was kind of like one day she didn't exist and then the next she was a real object of interest to him. Here he is on the kitchen floor cracking up with her

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