Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Orion our Pet Cat

Two months ago, I decided it was time to add yet another pet to the family, a beautiful ruddy three year old Abyssinian cat named Orion. I thought about getting a kitten and then decided against it. An adult cat would have more of a sense to deal with Dante than a fearless and innocent kitten. Orion has quickly become one of the family and a playmate Dante is eager to see every day. He calls all animals CATS: squirrels, birds, dolphins, fish - they are all cats just like his kitty at home.

A bit about Orion. I got him from a breeder in Plattekill, New York called Unkamen. He was their "male stud" and had recently been retired and neutered. Apparently, the life of a breeding male cat is lonely and very solitary as he can not be around other cats for obvious reasons (aggression, spray, mating). So for three years, Orion was well loved and cared for but resided in a small room with few playmates or room to run around and explore.

It took him two weeks to warm up to the sounds and smells of our apartment, and I let him be and gave him room to explore at his own pace and find comfort under my bed and away from Dante's curious excitement at this new creature lurking about. He even gets along with Rahav's dog Lulu, and has even gotten comfortable enough to leap off of the table and attack her puffy tail, which is Lulu's worst nightmare; she get's no break in this world from torture!

Today, Orion let's Dante pet him and will even sit on Dante's lap for a bit. Dante gets too excited after a few minutes of petting his paws, and pulling his ears and then gets excited and squeels, which sends Orion under the couch for a breather. But they are friends and Orion is my evening companion. It's nice to have someone waiting for us when we get home at night :-)

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