Wednesday, April 23, 2008

18-Months: Springtime, Passover and the Raptor

Last week Spring arrived in New York. Stuyvesant Town is blooming alongside the city as plants, flowers and trees are being planted all over the grounds. When we left for my biz trip in Vegas it was still the frigid winter. Fast forward one week and it's sixty-five and all you hear are the sounds of children's laughter and birds chirping in the budding cherry blossom trees.

I love this time of year and it brings a new plethora of daily outdoor experiences for Dante to enjoy; running around the fountain, chasing squirrels, swinging and sliding in the playground, petting the myriad of NY dogs in Thompson Square Park and licking an ice cream cone. Plus you gotta love the outfit I put him in to enjoy the warm day, it's straight from Narnia :-)

Rahav took Dante to his second passover at Aliza's mom's apt in Forrest Hills, Queens. He entertained everyone and came home with a ghastly awful sounding monkey that screams when you bang it against the wall. Oh boy! two minutes of laughter followed my months of cringing - I can see it now. Speaking of new blood curdling sounds, D's got his new scream, whine, that we call the raptor screech for it similarity to a Jurassic Park high pitch squeal only an angry or hungry raptor could produce. It's quite endearing actually because it's his OWN unique sound and had nothing to do with his parents :-)

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