Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

The weather was beautiful over Memorial Day weekend so we spent most of the day outside in parks at the beach and at BBQs. Dante wants to run around and explore everything, so I let him run in the park, swing until he's dizzy and push the stroller on the sidewalk - guiding his way so he doesn't smash into people and poles.

Patti was in town and we spent the day strolling in Prospect Park and posing with flowers in the botanical gardens with my friend Scott. We headed off to a rooftop BBQ at an enormous, funky artist loft in Bed-Sty. Rahav brought Dante and we enjoyed the warm sunset, feasted on fresh corn and bacon wrapped mushrooms oh and keeping Dante from torturing chihuahuas. Yes, he's totally into playing with any animal who will let him approach. Of course, all animals are Caaaaa. Aaaaaaa. Caaaaaa.

Memorial Day proper, we hit Long Beach and spent the day sheltering ourselves from the heavy wind. We finally gave up after a few hours and met up with Darcy and Kate in Sty oval for a late afternoon picnic. That was a much better idea!

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